Hello and welcome to Follow The Nut. We hope you enjoy the vegan range of T-shirts and other apparel with slogans because we want to get the message across that all animal cruelty has to stop. It is not just about being vegan, animal cruelty is everywhere and it is up to those of us who are aware, to educate others. Much can be learned from a humble t-shirt and there will always be those who question messages, which is great for getting into a chat about how cruelly some animals are treated. For example, many individuals have no idea how an elephant is 'trained' to give rides. 

Animals do have a voice but we are their interpreters and it is up to us to to get their message out to those who are less understanding. Follow The Nut wants to help as many animals as possible and 10% of profits are given to a variety of charities, from farmyard animal sanctuaries to horses, donkeys, dogs, cats and more. No animal is exempt, and we should be kind to every single one.
Follow The Nut believes in being as natural and organic as possible and that includes our clothing as well as what we eat. Keep the processed foods to a minimum, and we can all live as long as Donald Watson, who with his wife, Dorothy, founded Veganism. He was 95 when he died but his spirit still lives on.

There are a variety of slogans included in this shop, with many more to come. Some are light-hearted, and others are thought provoking but all convey a message. Only collectively can we make this world a better place and keep educating people.

If you have any questions, please email: hello@followthenut.com.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Peace and love to all animals from the team at Follow The Nut

All the items for sale on this site are ethically made. There are no sweat shops and no animal products, either in the colours used to dye the products nor in the inks used to print onto the products or the embroidery threads. Everything on this site is vegan friendly. We are a growing movement, with many popular high street stores now introducing vegan ranges. Let’s keep growing!