Follow The Nut Is Finally Open For Business!

Welcome to Follow The Nut, the company which aims to get people thinking about why we should be more considerate towards animals by encouraging veganism and boycotting anything that promotes animal cruelty. There are many amazing, pro-active people who are currently combatting cruelty and knowing this certainly makes those of us who care, feel less isolated in our fight.

Animals are the innocents in this world and not our slaves, yet people continue to commit heinous crimes against them. The horrendous slaughtering of animals for food is only one of the many acts of cruelty currently committed. Cows are deprived of their calves and their milk, male calves are shot dead because they don't produce milk. We kill male chicks because they don't lay eggs, we take mares' urine to be used in HRT, force monkeys to climb trees to collect coconuts, beat elephants into submission to make them rideable, hunt foxes, race horses, test on animals and so much more. Follow The Nut aims to reach out to as many people as possible and help show exactly what goes on behind closed doors. A short, simple message on a humble t-shirt can be thought provoking and act as a catalyst for changing the attitudes of those who are ready to make a difference.

Show your support for a cruelty-free way of life and follow the nut!